Dart DocumentationresultsResults

Results abstract class

Holds query results.

If the query was an insert statement, the id of the inserted row is in insertId.

If the query was an update statement, the number of affected rows is in affectedRows.

If the query was a select statement, the stream contains the row results and the fields are also available.

abstract class Results implements Stream<Row> {
  * The id of the inserted row, or [null] if no row was inserted.
 int get insertId;

  * The number of affected rows in an update statement, or
  * [null] in other cases.
 int get affectedRows;

  * A list of the fields returned by the query.
 List<Field> get fields;




final int affectedRows #

The number of affected rows in an update statement, or null in other cases.

int get affectedRows;

final List<Field> fields #

A list of the fields returned by the query.

List<Field> get fields;

final Future<T> first #

inherited from Stream

Returns the first element of the stream.

Stops listening to the stream after the first element has been received.

If an error event occurs before the first data event, the resulting future is completed with that error.

If this stream is empty (a done event occurs before the first data event), the resulting future completes with a StateError.

Except for the type of the error, this method is equivalent to this.elementAt(0).

Future<T> get first {
 _Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
     _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     future._completeError(new StateError("No elements"));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

final int insertId #

The id of the inserted row, or null if no row was inserted.

int get insertId;

final bool isBroadcast #

inherited from Stream

Reports whether this stream is a broadcast stream.

bool get isBroadcast => false;

final Future<bool> isEmpty #

inherited from Stream

Reports whether this stream contains any elements.

Future<bool> get isEmpty {
 _Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (_) {
     _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false);
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

final Future<T> last #

inherited from Stream

Returns the last element of the stream.

If an error event occurs before the first data event, the resulting future is completed with that error.

If this stream is empty (a done event occurs before the first data event), the resulting future completes with a StateError.

Future<T> get last {
 _Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
 T result = null;
 bool foundResult = false;
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
     foundResult = true;
     result = value;
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     if (foundResult) {
     future._completeError(new StateError("No elements"));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

final Future<int> length #

inherited from Stream

Counts the elements in the stream.

Future<int> get length {
 _Future<int> future = new _Future<int>();
 int count = 0;
   (_) { count++; },
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

final Future<T> single #

inherited from Stream

Returns the single element.

If this is empty or has more than one element throws a StateError.

Future<T> get single {
 _Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
 T result = null;
 bool foundResult = false;
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
     if (foundResult) {
       // This is the second element we get.
       Error error = new StateError("More than one element");
       _cancelAndError(subscription, future, error, null);
     foundResult = true;
     result = value;
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     if (foundResult) {
     future._completeError(new StateError("No elements"));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;


Future<bool> any(bool test(T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Checks whether test accepts any element provided by this stream.

Completes the Future when the answer is known. If this stream reports an error, the Future will report that error.

Future<bool> any(bool test(T element)) {
 _Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
     (T element) {
         () => test(element),
         (bool isMatch) {
           if (isMatch) {
             _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
         _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
     onError: future._completeError,
     onDone: () {
     cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription), void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription)}) #

inherited from Stream

Returns a multi-subscription stream that produces the same events as this.

If this stream is already a broadcast stream, it is returned unmodified.

If this stream is single-subscription, return a new stream that allows multiple subscribers. It will subscribe to this stream when its first subscriber is added, and will stay subscribed until this stream ends, or a callback cancels the subscription.

If onListen is provided, it is called with a subscription-like object that represents the underlying subscription to this stream. It is possible to pause, resume or cancel the subscription during the call to onListen. It is not possible to change the event handlers, including using StreamSubscription.asFuture.

If onCancel is provided, it is called in a similar way to onListen when the returned stream stops having listener. If it later gets a new listener, the onListen function is called again.

Use the callbacks, for example, for pausing the underlying subscription while having no subscribers to prevent losing events, or canceling the subscription when there are no listeners.

Stream<T> asBroadcastStream({
   void onListen(StreamSubscription<T> subscription),
   void onCancel(StreamSubscription<T> subscription) }) {
 if (isBroadcast) return this;
 return new _AsBroadcastStream<T>(this, onListen, onCancel);

Future<bool> contains(Object needle) #

inherited from Stream

Checks whether needle occurs in the elements provided by this stream.

Completes the Future when the answer is known. If this stream reports an error, the Future will report that error.

Future<bool> contains(Object needle) {
 _Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
     (T element) {
         () => (element == needle),
         (bool isMatch) {
           if (isMatch) {
             _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, true);
         _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
     onError: future._completeError,
     onDone: () {
     cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Stream<T> distinct([bool equals(T previous, T next)]) #

inherited from Stream

Skips data events if they are equal to the previous data event.

The returned stream provides the same events as this stream, except that it never provides two consequtive data events that are equal.

Equality is determined by the provided equals method. If that is omitted, the '==' operator on the last provided data element is used.

Stream<T> distinct([bool equals(T previous, T next)]) {
 return new _DistinctStream(this, equals);

Future drain([futureValue]) #

inherited from Stream

Discards all data on the stream, but signals when it's done or an error occured.

When subscribing using drain, cancelOnError will be true. This means that the future will complete with the first error on the stream and then cancel the subscription.

In case of a done event the future completes with the given futureValue.

Future drain([var futureValue]) => listen(null, cancelOnError: true)

Future<T> elementAt(int index) #

inherited from Stream

Returns the value of the indexth data event of this stream.

Stops listening to the stream after a value has been found.

If an error event occurs before the value is found, the future completes with this error.

If a done event occurs before the value is found, the future completes with a RangeError.

Future<T> elementAt(int index) {
 if (index is! int || index < 0) throw new ArgumentError(index);
 _Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
     if (index == 0) {
       _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
     index -= 1;
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     future._completeError(new RangeError.value(index));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Future<bool> every(bool test(T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Checks whether test accepts all elements provided by this stream.

Completes the Future when the answer is known. If this stream reports an error, the Future will report that error.

Future<bool> every(bool test(T element)) {
 _Future<bool> future = new _Future<bool>();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
     (T element) {
         () => test(element),
         (bool isMatch) {
           if (!isMatch) {
             _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, false);
         _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
     onError: future._completeError,
     onDone: () {
     cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Stream expand(Iterable convert(T value)) #

inherited from Stream

Creates a new stream from this stream that converts each element into zero or more events.

Each incoming event is converted to an Iterable of new events, and each of these new events are then sent by the returned stream in order.

Stream expand(Iterable convert(T value)) {
 return new _ExpandStream<T, dynamic>(this, convert);

Future<dynamic> firstWhere(bool test(T element), {Object defaultValue()}) #

inherited from Stream

Finds the first element of this stream matching test.

Returns a future that is filled with the first element of this stream that test returns true for.

If no such element is found before this stream is done, and a defaultValue function is provided, the result of calling defaultValue becomes the value of the future.

If an error occurs, or if this stream ends without finding a match and with no defaultValue function provided, the future will receive an error.

Future<dynamic> firstWhere(bool test(T element), {Object defaultValue()}) {
 _Future<dynamic> future = new _Future();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
       () => test(value),
       (bool isMatch) {
         if (isMatch) {
           _cancelAndValue(subscription, future, value);
       _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     if (defaultValue != null) {
       _runUserCode(defaultValue, future._complete, future._completeError);
     future._completeError(new StateError("firstMatch ended without match"));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Future fold(initialValue, combine(previous, T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Reduces a sequence of values by repeatedly applying combine.

Future fold(var initialValue, combine(var previous, T element)) {
 _Future result = new _Future();
 var value = initialValue;
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T element) {
       () => combine(value, element),
       (newValue) { value = newValue; },
       _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result)
   onError: (e, st) {
     result._completeError(e, st);
   onDone: () {
   cancelOnError: true);
 return result;

Future forEach(void action(T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Executes action on each data event of the stream.

Completes the returned Future when all events of the stream have been processed. Completes the future with an error if the stream has an error event, or if action throws.

Future forEach(void action(T element)) {
 _Future future = new _Future();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
     (T element) {
         () => action(element),
         (_) {},
         _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
     onError: future._completeError,
     onDone: () {
     cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Stream<T> handleError(Function onError, {bool test(error)}) #

inherited from Stream

Creates a wrapper Stream that intercepts some errors from this stream.

If this stream sends an error that matches test, then it is intercepted by the handle function.

The onError callback must be of type void onError(error) or void onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace). Depending on the function type the the stream either invokes onError with or without a stack trace. The stack trace argument might be null if the stream itself received an error without stack trace.

An [AsyncError] [:e:] is matched by a test function if test(e) returns true. If test is omitted, every error is considered matching.

If the error is intercepted, the handle function can decide what to do with it. It can throw if it wants to raise a new (or the same) error, or simply return to make the stream forget the error.

If you need to transform an error into a data event, use the more generic Stream.transform to handle the event by writing a data event to the output sink

Stream<T> handleError(Function onError, { bool test(error) }) {
 return new _HandleErrorStream<T>(this, onError, test);

Future<String> join([String separator = ""]) #

inherited from Stream

Collects string of data events' string representations.

If separator is provided, it is inserted between any two elements.

Any error in the stream causes the future to complete with that error. Otherwise it completes with the collected string when the "done" event arrives.

Future<String> join([String separator = ""]) {
 _Future<String> result = new _Future<String>();
 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 bool first = true;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T element) {
     if (!first) {
     first = false;
     try {
     } catch (e, s) {
       _cancelAndError(subscription, result, e, s);
   onError: (e) {
   onDone: () {
   cancelOnError: true);
 return result;

Future<dynamic> lastWhere(bool test(T element), {Object defaultValue()}) #

inherited from Stream

Finds the last element in this stream matching test.

As firstWhere, except that the last matching element is found. That means that the result cannot be provided before this stream is done.

Future<dynamic> lastWhere(bool test(T element), {Object defaultValue()}) {
 _Future<dynamic> future = new _Future();
 T result = null;
 bool foundResult = false;
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
       () => true == test(value),
       (bool isMatch) {
         if (isMatch) {
           foundResult = true;
           result = value;
       _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     if (foundResult) {
     if (defaultValue != null) {
       _runUserCode(defaultValue, future._complete, future._completeError);
     future._completeError(new StateError("lastMatch ended without match"));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

abstract StreamSubscription<T> listen(void onData(T event), {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) #

inherited from Stream

Adds a subscription to this stream.

On each data event from this stream, the subscriber's onData handler is called. If onData is null, nothing happens.

On errors from this stream, the onError handler is given a object describing the error.

The onError callback must be of type void onError(error) or void onError(error, StackTrace stackTrace). If onError accepts two arguments it is called with the stack trace (which could be null if the stream itself received an error without stack trace). Otherwise it is called with just the error object.

If this stream closes, the onDone handler is called.

If cancelOnError is true, the subscription is ended when the first error is reported. The default is false.

Stream map(convert(T event)) #

inherited from Stream

Creates a new stream that converts each element of this stream to a new value using the convert function.

Stream map(convert(T event)) {
 return new _MapStream<T, dynamic>(this, convert);

Future pipe(StreamConsumer<T> streamConsumer) #

inherited from Stream

Binds this stream as the input of the provided StreamConsumer.

Future pipe(StreamConsumer<T> streamConsumer) {
 return streamConsumer.addStream(this).then((_) => streamConsumer.close());

Future<T> reduce(T combine(T previous, T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Reduces a sequence of values by repeatedly applying combine.

Future<T> reduce(T combine(T previous, T element)) {
 _Future<T> result = new _Future<T>();
 bool seenFirst = false;
 T value;
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T element) {
     if (seenFirst) {
       _runUserCode(() => combine(value, element),
                    (T newValue) { value = newValue; },
                    _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, result));
     } else {
       value = element;
       seenFirst = true;
   onError: result._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     if (!seenFirst) {
       result._completeError(new StateError("No elements"));
     } else {
   cancelOnError: true
 return result;

Future<T> singleWhere(bool test(T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Finds the single element in this stream matching test.

Like lastMatch, except that it is an error if more than one matching element occurs in the stream.

Future<T> singleWhere(bool test(T element)) {
 _Future<T> future = new _Future<T>();
 T result = null;
 bool foundResult = false;
 StreamSubscription subscription;
 subscription = this.listen(
   (T value) {
       () => true == test(value),
       (bool isMatch) {
         if (isMatch) {
           if (foundResult) {
                 new StateError('Multiple matches for "single"'),
           foundResult = true;
           result = value;
       _cancelAndErrorClosure(subscription, future)
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
     if (foundResult) {
     future._completeError(new StateError("single ended without match"));
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Stream<T> skip(int count) #

inherited from Stream

Skips the first count data events from this stream.

Stream<T> skip(int count) {
 return new _SkipStream(this, count);

Stream<T> skipWhile(bool test(T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Skip data events from this stream while they are matched by test.

Error and done events are provided by the returned stream unmodified.

Starting with the first data event where test returns false for the event data, the returned stream will have the same events as this stream.

Stream<T> skipWhile(bool test(T element)) {
 return new _SkipWhileStream(this, test);

Stream<T> take(int count) #

inherited from Stream

Provides at most the first n values of this stream.

Forwards the first n data events of this stream, and all error events, to the returned stream, and ends with a done event.

If this stream produces fewer than count values before it's done, so will the returned stream.

Stream<T> take(int count) {
 return new _TakeStream(this, count);

Stream<T> takeWhile(bool test(T element)) #

inherited from Stream

Forwards data events while test is successful.

The returned stream provides the same events as this stream as long as test returns true for the event data. The stream is done when either this stream is done, or when this stream first provides a value that test doesn't accept.

Stream<T> takeWhile(bool test(T element)) {
 return new _TakeWhileStream(this, test);

Future<List<T>> toList() #

inherited from Stream

Collects the data of this stream in a List.

Future<List<T>> toList() {
 List<T> result = <T>[];
 _Future<List<T>> future = new _Future<List<T>>();
   (T data) {
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Future<Set<T>> toSet() #

inherited from Stream

Collects the data of this stream in a Set.

Future<Set<T>> toSet() {
 Set<T> result = new Set<T>();
 _Future<Set<T>> future = new _Future<Set<T>>();
   (T data) {
   onError: future._completeError,
   onDone: () {
   cancelOnError: true);
 return future;

Stream transform(StreamTransformer<T, dynamic> streamTransformer) #

inherited from Stream

Chains this stream as the input of the provided StreamTransformer.

Returns the result of streamTransformer.bind itself.

Stream transform(StreamTransformer<T, dynamic> streamTransformer) {
 return streamTransformer.bind(this);

Stream<T> where(bool test(T event)) #

inherited from Stream

Creates a new stream from this stream that discards some data events.

The new stream sends the same error and done events as this stream, but it only sends the data events that satisfy the test.

Stream<T> where(bool test(T event)) {
 return new _WhereStream<T>(this, test);