Dart DocumentationresultsField

Field abstract class

A MySQL field

abstract class Field {
 String get catalog;
 String get db;
 String get table;
 String get orgTable;
 /// The name of the field
 String get name;
 String get orgName;
 int get characterSet;
 int get length;
 int get type;
 int get flags;
 int get decimals;
 int get defaultValue;


final String catalog #

String get catalog;

final int characterSet #

int get characterSet;

final String db #

String get db;

final int decimals #

int get decimals;

final int defaultValue #

int get defaultValue;

final int flags #

int get flags;

final int length #

int get length;

final String name #

The name of the field

String get name;

final String orgName #

String get orgName;

final String orgTable #

String get orgTable;

final String table #

String get table;

final int type #

int get type;